Most professionals involved with dogs have fabulous and extremely well behaved dogs. How did they get there, you’d ask? Years and years are spent achieving what works best and what is done with ease, so why not try and do it under supervision; after all, we can’t just naturally all be good at everything. Dog ownership is a costly hobby, because it involves many skills and specialist knowledge to give best and most satisfying results.
These sessions are booked individually, subject to availability, held in some parks and open spaces around North and North-West London, at times in busy urban areas or other special locations depending on client’s wishes and requests; and are tailored to meet dog’s specific needs.
Fees: £75 for an hour and half training.
You can pay on the day – make sure you have cash or cheque on you, but if you prefer to pay via BACs transfer please do so IN ADVANCE and make a clear reference to yours and your dog’s name to help us identify you and send us a screenshot of the transaction.
Owners’ presence is preferred. We do not believe in “Board & Train” scam – be your own dog’s trainer instead!
Please browse through Dima’s Dog School book
and familiarise yourself with the Handfeeding Technique – we take great pride in Handfeeding as our master principle and it may save you quite a bit of time and money when you do it prior to booking a session with us – after all, happy to please, keen and attentive as well as positive towards training situations dog is going to be a much better student!
Run specially for those who can not travel, have problem with a dog at home setting or puppies that are too small to go out yet (please note we prefer to start training at the earliest opportunity).
There’s a £15 supplement on the top of normal 1-2-1 class fee to cover traveling time and expenses making it a total of £90 for an hour and a half session.
Also subject to availability and area covered. Please note that we do not travel inside the A406 / North Circular Road since 25 October 2021.
Please note that 2 days notice is required for all cancellations / changes of time or day for a booked training class in order to avoid cancellation charges – 30% of the session fee is payable for cancellation of less then 48 hours in advance of a slot booked and 50% is chargeable for shorter notices. Full fee is payable for no-shows or cancellations on the day of the class.
Please note that we are still monitoring Government’s guidelines are have postponed all group gatherings until further notice.
Our Puppy School classes start every 6 weeks so please enquire / request registration form via email or follow us via our Facebook page:!
Advanced class follows from 8 pm.
Attention – our Puppy Group is only open to pups under 6 months of age, and their owners willing to learn the Handfeeding way of training dogs and have fun with their pet dogs.
Please register to avoid missing out! Other classes – you are welcome to join at any time.
Dima Yeremenko’s
Good Boy Dog School
Thursday Evenings @
1st Barnet Scout Hut,
Priory Grove, off Westcombe Drive,
Barnet, Herts.
EN5 2BE,195670&st=4&ar=y&mapp=map.srf&searchp=ids.srf&dn=886&ax=525285&ay=195670&lm=0
(Street Map)
A trained dog is a pleasure to own. Learn how to train your dog so that he wants to work with you. Build a partnership being a gentle leader not a dictator.
We are proud to be the first and only “Handfeeding” School!
Puppy Dogs Classes (under 6 months of age only) – 7:00pm to 8:00pm £60 course fee, course of 7 weeks including assessment and certification.
Clever Cloggs (Please feel free to join if you feel that you and your dog is ready for this challenging class!), 8:00pm to 9:00pm – £5.00, pay as you train.
We are a Kennel Club listed organization, with the authority to conduct training and testing for the GCDS Scheme
All classes are designed to be informative & fun and are based on the Kennel Club’s Good Citizen Dog Scheme and cover many individual issues.
We also cover Obedience, Discipline, Tricks, HTM and basic agility exercises in each session
please call Dima Yeremenko if you need to speak to me:
020 8931 8207 / 0795 722 8269 Or email:
Please note that Handfeeding principle does not mean that you bring your dog to training classes hungry. We are talking about the philosophy, principle and habit that you want to develop in your dog, not a magic cure.
is held at:
RSPCA Southridge Animal Centre
Packhorse Lane
Saving one dog will not change the World
But surely for that one dog, the world will change forever!
(Street Map)
Adopting a rescue dog is not always as easy or relaxing as a walk in the park!
Whether you are now the lucky and proud owner of a “Southridge Dog”, or whether your own dog needs some training, start off on the right paw and attend our fortnightly dog training classes.
All sizes and ages are welcome.
The training classes are held every other Saturday at Southridge, beginning promptly at 9.00am and finishing at 11.00am.
The classes are run by Mr Dima Yeremenko (Good Boy Dog School).
Each session cost £7.50 which is payable at the end of the class.
The classes will give you an opportunity to train and socialize your dog in a professional but friendly and relaxed environment.
You will also be able to speak to the owners of other rehomed dogs and hear of their experiences.
Southridge Animal Centre Dog training and socialization classes.
Dates for 2022: TBA
All ages, all breeds and types even problem dogs can be accommodated – please enquiry by email / phone if unsure.
in Hendon:
Please note that Open air Socialization classes in Hendon, Sunny Hill Park, NW4, are held on the same dates from 12 noon till 1:45 and are currently offered free of charge.
(Street Map)
This is a “train-yourself” class, where we try to give you as much guidance and advice, with a format of a social gathering, or a Club Meeting of the Good Boys out in an open air. Many return trainees pop in to brush up on their dog training and some newcomers choose to bring a chair and observe what and how it’s done the Handfeeding way! Please feel welcome at all of our group classes!
Disclaimer: Dog Training is a magical experience, but it takes time (and, most importantly, patience, skills and devotion) so please do not expect an instant fix! We will not use any strong aversive stimuli at the classes, and will ask you to remove and never use anywhere around us any chock-chain, pinch-collar or e-device if you are using one. Please expect to make some progress, but do listen to what is being told at the class. Taking it slowly and at your level is highly advisable, take a note of the homework exercises and break the session down into bite-size fragments to suit you and your pet.
Come prepared – we are a Handfeeding School, and most reward-based methods would go a long way with us, but if your ideas on dog training are about dominating your dog, forcing them to work and just punishing bad behaviours – I am afraid we are not the school for you!
Please come and observe, we never charge anyone spectating, as long as they do not bring dogs as spreading the word and educating the public is our prime target!
For some reason some Free Socialisation Sunny Hill classes have occasional people who just “Dance in” with no intention to carry on any training outside the classes, or listen to any advice. Is this because paying for the class means that owners choose to commit to it? If you are one of our attendees or thinking of attending, please read this and make an educated decision:
It’s crazy not to train in Controlled Environment at ALL TIMES!
Thinking of bringing your dog to one of our group training / advice sessions? Please consider booking an individual class as trying to “socialise” your dog by making that leap from no dogs to loads of dogs is not always the best option:
My routine situation – a client with an aggressive and anti-social dog phoning up asking about group classes… When I suggest that they’d better take it easy, and start with a bit of controlled exposure, systematic desensitization and training some control exercises and Impulse handling skills, the answer is the same in 99% of cases: “We just want to introduce him to as many dog as possible / socialise him etc, as he’s very good on his own…” Well, I though it was just me then…
Graduated Exposure Therapy is the answer, not routine group classes:
But of course you are welcome if you decide that group class is THE class for you!
It’s crazy not to train in Controlled Environment at ALL TIMES!
Interesting one – shall we moist the dry food?
Please note, that Handfeeding principle does not mean that you bring your dog to training classes hungry. We are talking about the philosophy, principle and habit that you want to develop in your dog, not a magic cure.
A quick FAQ: When do I start on my pup? I don’t want to do it too early!
-Well, you are already late!
These videos are recorded to take the pain out of your homework and simplify the way your will be explaining various skills to your dog in future, so try to follow these simple instructions:
Thinking of starting a dog / puppy up the “Handfeeding” way – watch this clip to help you get it right from the very beginning:
And What is it that you suppose to Handfeed your dog?
Read below if you are not sure about what food to choose for your dog – dry, mixed, raw, fresh…
With a bit of a practice you may discover that your dog’s brain activity goes way beyond the simple “Cause-Affect” equation. All trained dogs enjoy using their brain function to solve advanced tasks, the more – the better!
Self-help video guide for pro-active owners:
Bettie the star of our homemade videos helping you to learn all a pup should know (and she’s 3 months old here!):
Video 1: Bettie is learning the ropes:
Video 2: So, what would the day 2 bring? Little Bettie learning new skills.
Video 3: Bettie’s 7th day of Handfeeding – skills of a 3 month old pup are amazing to my opinion – now she’s becoming reliable, well focused and predictably keen to follow instructions and want to learn more!
Video 4, Handfeeding, Day 8. Social aspect of dog training plus lots more:
Video 5, Being surrounded by other dogs Little Bettie is showing off her skills of resisting Temptations:
Video 6 – Crate training for little Bettie – Handfeeding way to teach your dog to love their crate and everything about it.
Video 7 – teaching a dog to “freeze” on cue to avoid any future problems with close contact and handling.
Video 8 – is our final homemade clip of 3 weeks Bettie spent with us learning to live “Handfeeding” way.
Not many trainers use the lead only as a safety tool by maintaining it loose at all times. Bettie’s not pulled on the leash once in 3 weeks here and not had the leash used for any other form of training!
This time we are covering a bit of street walking, stopping, emergency stops and dealing with obstacles and distractions.
Video 9 – Distance proofing, Ted the Schnauzer, is demonstrating the vital part of dog training – removing the handler / dog = building up the distance between the two. What can your dog do from a step or two away? What about the other end of the room / field?…
Enjoy it!
All puppy owners have to know this:
Bite Habitation: https://naturaldogtraining.
This little puppy Ringo has completed his 4 weeks Handfeeding course a couple of weeks ago and is going back to his owners today. He’s 5 months old now! See how dependent on food and commands he’s become, his attitude towards instructions and obedience and willingness to work and to please. Great puppy, and is set for life now!
So what’s all this Handfeeding talk about? New page at Naturally Happy Dogs – paid portal for all things doggy:
You can see a preview here:
Looking for some homework with your pooch? Stuck for answers on how to… or just looking for something to do ease your pain when dog training? Then click on – our new partners, Clickety Clips webgroup.
Motivational Bob and Lush video:
In this lovely dog play-video you will see how social skills can be built into any dog – both dogs filmed joined the pack a short while earlier to help them overcome aggression to other dogs, and as you can see are coping beautifully with it! Both still walk with us and our Handfed pack and behave nicely, friendly and gentle to each other and all the dogs in the pack. I wish this was so simple with the owners (who have never done any training) – these skills are not transferable I am afraid…
Basic and on-going training will be provided to all the dogs involved in our daily group walks. Socialising him / her will also never be this easy as we have a team of highly skilled dog trainers / handlers to help you with all your dog needs. Please see our Dog Walking page and give us a try! Our pack is our pride and joy!
Please also visit our Youtube Channel for more training and informative videos on us: