Feb 28, 2017 |
Dima Yeremenko
The biggest issue when it comes to bringing up young dogs is finding the perfect balance between their emotional needs and physical abilities. Most owners fall victim to the mistaken belief that most dogs need hours and hours of strenuous exercise, be it chasing a tennis ball, being dragged around the block on the lead, … read more
Feb 28, 2017 |
Dima Yeremenko
“Help, I can’t figure out what makes my dog so aggressive…” – questions of this type I get asked a lot, even though it is not really a problem that the potential students are having. So why does that dog, or this dog, your own lap-loving, couch-adoring cuddly pooch demonstrated the signs of the aggression, … read more
Feb 27, 2017 |
Dima Yeremenko
When teaching a dog to start acting in a more positive way, it is very important that rewards and incentives of all sorts are used. I am particularly keen on using food in training for its ease, availability and convenience. For instance when approaching another dog / human one should consider rewarding the dog with … read more
Feb 26, 2017 |
Dima Yeremenko
Since dog trainers and behaviourists will attempt to explain the correctness of their training methods by using the terms “operant conditioning,” especially when they oppose the methods used by others, I have included this information. Operant conditioning is rooted in human psychology and was named by psychologist B.F. Skinner. Operant conditioning is the modification of … read more
Feb 25, 2017 |
Dima Yeremenko
Dog training, or, in literal terms, Behaviour Modification, has been designed to turn any given behaviour A into behaviour B. Presumably, you do it in a way that turns badly behaved pooch into a better behaved, obedient and well mannered one. But what can we say about a dog who has not misbehaved in, lets … read more
Feb 24, 2017 |
Dima Yeremenko
“The best way to stop husky pulling is to let it off the lead” Dog Collar and dog lead connect us with our charges physically but does not create the necessary emotional link, communication tool. But it can and it should. It can spoil any communication channels existing, but may enhance the union by providing … read more
Feb 23, 2017 |
Dima Yeremenko
Socialising your pup is the most common reason that brings people to training classes. Everyone wants a dog that can happily walk past and around other dogs, be friendly and safe in various environments and is a pleasure to take out. But there’s something that does not let it happen for some dogs, and … read more
Feb 22, 2017 |
Dima Yeremenko
Is your dog an Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Early Warner, Tester, Diffuser, Body Slammer, Bully, Dominant, Fearful, Territorial, Possessive, Subordinate, “Stress pot”, Sexual Predator, Flirt, Protector, Guard, Chaser, Thief, Hunter, or just a common Idiot, perhaps, a “Nut-Case” like my recent rehomee? So which one is yours? Well, the bad news is that “A Zebra can’t change its stripes”… Neither you nor … read more
Feb 21, 2017 |
Dima Yeremenko
“What do you teach dogs in your classes?” – a question I get asked rather a lot. Usually, the intro talk into what one should work on with a new pup takes me about an hour and a half with the new clients during our 1-2-1 session. And it is only an intro on what … read more
Feb 20, 2017 |
Dima Yeremenko
So, OK, your dog bites, or tries to… It’s bad. Or does it pull on the lead? Tries to run away? Barks incessantly? Does not like … the list goes on. This is my working week answering the phone. – What can I do for you? – “I have this dog / s and the … read more